This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday 16 November 2013


The leaves are down, there's ice on the pond and the fire is crackling in the wood stove. Yesterday was a very, very long day. We spent twenty hours in the truck but once we were on the road we just wanted to be home. About 10:30 last night we pulled in.

This is the longest we've left the house unattended. We did have neighbours come in to water the plants but no one stayed here for over a month. All was fine when we got home thanks to Jim and Pierette. Jim left a data sheet on the state of the batteries and the weather so I would know how everything performed while we were away. I'll do a report in a few days on the status of our systems but for now it's just good to be back in our own beds. 

Time for breakfast and a walk about our property.

Safe travels


  1. Mary, I enjoy reading about your adventures. We are in Tuscany right now on an olive farm.The home is heated by wood and the electricity is powered by solar panels. The family lives off the land. I imagine it is a similiar lifestyle to what you and Art experience (except for the olive trees I suppose). You are an inspiration and living the dream that I hope our future will hold one day. We wish you all the best and look forward to reading about your continued adventures! Mark and Lisa Mitchell.

    1. Hi Lisa. Great to hear from you and know your wonderful world tour continues. Talk about living the dream. I hope one day to visit Tuscany.......make that plan to! We are really happy with this life style. Do get in touch with us once you return to Canada. We would be happy to have you spend a day with us and introduce you to this excellent Northern lifestyle. Take care. Hello to you all.
