This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Thursday 21 November 2013


Just got home from the Victorian Tea. Had a wonderful time. Mary will write a full report in the morning.

The story behind this gala event took place more than 15 years ago when one lady decided to invite a number of ladies to her house for tea, just to give them a break during the, what can be, the most hectic time of the year. They were so appreciative that she did it again. It caught on very quickly and others asked to join this special hour. When her house became too crowded she looked for another spot. Enter Graphite Camp. 

It has become a sought after event, 4 evenings and still the tickets are sold out quickly. Our special guest for the evening sang her way through the Christmas story. The decorations were spectacular, the serving ladies elegant and the message was beautifully presented. All in all, an evening well spent. 

The men came in with tea and dainties, dressed in white shirts and bow ties. Art thoroughly enjoyed serving a room full of lovely ladies and plans to return next year.