This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Friday 14 December 2012


We built a house out of concrete and steel to avoid the VOC gasses that can be given off by many materials used in conventional construction.

If you click on the picture above you can clearly see the drops of condensation forming on the window ledge above our sliding door. Moisture is a major issue in all home construction. Most of it is hidden and most owners are not aware of what is happening until rot or mold forms around their windows and doors.

Living in a house clad in steel it is easy to spot the locations where condensation is forming. Just go outside and look for frost build-up on real cold days or droplets of moisture on days when it is above freezing.

The solution was lots and lots of caulking. Everywhere we suspected warm air getting out Peter applied ample quantities of caulking. This was especially true of the windows and door sills.

I think we are finally having success. The water that had sat on the door sills for days is drying up as the warm air is prevented from reaching the cold air under the threshold.

Same shot as above but look how much drier the sill is.

But the fumes are terrible. They keep us awake at night. Thank goodness we are off to Kitchener for a few days and can escape the fumes. Hopefully by the time we get back, the smell has gone, the drafts are sealed and the sills are dry.

This has been quite the learning curve.

Thanks for stopping by and we will chat later.

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