This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Friday 21 December 2012


Went back to the Mill to get our trim that had been left to dry.

Our road is treacherous, icy with blind corners, one needs to be extra cautious this time of year. We've already been in the ditch once.

Trailer loaded, ready to head home after I pay the bill. Being able to let the trim dry overnight was greatly appreciated.

A closer look and you can see how knot free this wood is.

Also picked up a bundle of kindling. We are expecting  4 to 6 inches of snow today so our wood stove will be busy keeping us warm.

(OK, senior's confession time. After taking the above picture I put my camera in the truck and tried to get started but my engine wouldn't fire up. After several tries it caught and away we went down the road to home. On the way I flipped on my back-up camera to check that the wood in the trailer was all OK. Guess what I saw? The bundle of kindling still sitting on the tailgate. In the distraction of getting the motor started I had forgotten the bundle and pulled out leaving it sitting exposed on the tailgate. A senior's moment for sure.)

So far not much of a storm although the weather watch is still in effect for Bancroft.

Sitting by the fire, hoping for more snow. 

Up-date 8:40 am

Our world has turned white.

Time to get out the Bobcat and start plowing.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. What about your solar panels covered in snow? Will it just melt off?

  2. Hi Sherri;

    So far that's what has happened. As soon as the sun comes out they soon heat up and melt the snow
