This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Sunday 9 September 2012


Everything we do on this project is a new learning curve for us. Often people have come along to show us how or we've found some good advice on the internet, but it still takes us out of our comfort zone and stretches us more than we want.

Today's task was just such an experience. Mary wanted to get the floor in the great room sealed so we can start assembling the kitchen cupboards on Wednesday. Also the wood stove is slated to go in on Friday so that was another motivator in getting the floor done.

It was one of those trial and error approaches and the verdict is still out. I'll let you decide. Here are a few pictures for you to view and then let us know what you think.

I like the brightness and reflective qualities of the floor. What do you think?

Looking west with Mary's quilting area at the far end. Wednesday we start assembling the kitchen cupboards, then you will see some real changes. 

Just a few more weeks and we hope to be living inside our new home.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. We think your'e ready to install the stove and kitchen cabinets.
    Like the brightness and reflective qualities as well.
    The walls and ceiling look great too.
    Carol & Don

  2. Heck Art, it looks GREAT. If it is not wet, then it looks fantastic. I love the reflectiveness of the flooro also. Good job!

  3. looks great! Looks like a freshly zambonied ice rink!
