This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Sunday 15 July 2012

Our Chickens

The girls continue to be a source of entertainment for Art and I (Mary writing for a change). We have been enjoying 5 eggs every day this past week. Most interesting to see the eggs develop. They start out as tiny ones and after a couple of weeks we noticed they are filling the cavities of a regular egg carton. 

You can see in the photo above where most of the eggs are small and then there is one regular sized one. We have had a few with double yokes. Fun!

It took me a while to name these girls. Partly because we are just so busy and I am not down with the chickens as often as last year. Connie came up with the idea to name them after famous female artists. This bard rock hen is named Judith after the 16th century Dutch artist Judith Lyster (1609). We call her Judy.

This beauty is called Vigee after Vigee le Brauin from France (1755). She is nasty. Won't let me pet her and chases Judy around.

Emily, after Emily Carr... Canadian from B.C. (1871) is the leader of the group. She is the last one to enter the coop each night, making sure everyone is secure....... and checking for any last morsels of yumm that might have been left. Notice the black feathers on her back and that her comb is straight up. 
Stay tuned for the next 3 on another blog. 

This is their first foray into the wilds. I called it recess. I let them out for about 10 minutes and it was fun to watch them follow me right back into the run. They loved it and have been pacing in front of the door each time I am down there since.

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