This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Wednesday 25 July 2012

Hall Walls

Today we worked until 5:30 as we won't see Ben now for two weeks. The goal today was to get the walls up in the hall so I can build the bedroom walls while Ben is away .................................... and we succeeded.

The first job was to mark all the stud locations on the base and top plate of the walls. This little gadget makes the job easier as I don't need to fumble with a tape as I locate each stud position.

Ben marks and cuts around each pipe ..........

then nails each "king" stud into place. The door openings were also framed out before we lifted the wall into place.

While we were building walls the drywall was delivered so we took a break to unload the truck.............. some break!

Here Ben is nailing in the "cripple" studs that go above each door opening. 

Once  the walls were complete on the floor we called Jim in to help us lift them into place. At this stage we could use all the muscle we could find. Thanks Jim.

A few persuasive taps and the wall snugged over to the red line.

 Second wall, same process, same results, success.

Today's work completed and I'm delighted with our progress. Time to take Mary out for supper and celebrate.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Celebrate indeed, looking fantastic. Great work and what a great assistant you have, hope Ben enjoys his vacation.

  2. Wow, what a difference a day or two makes. The progress is incredible. The interior of the house will now begin to have a real feel with those stud walls in place. I am soooooo glad you both took a break and went out for a celebratory supper. You will certainly miss Ben but as Sherri says I hope he has a good holiday. Look forward to your next blog.

  3. Hi Pat;

    Thanks for all your kind comments. We need a break as well to get kitchen cupboards, faucets, sinks, etc. ordered. I still want all the short walls up before Ben get back, then we can start the drywall.

    Hope to pop over and see you and Jeff before the end of August.
