This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Thursday 28 June 2012

Mud Art and Chicken Coops

Life in Bancroft is relaxed and quiet. It reminds me of growing up in Brampton back in the 60s when Brampton had only one traffic light and kids played ball hockey on the road.

Sitting in Shoppers Drugmart parking lot this afternoon this was what we saw.

Three young boys making mud and decorating the side of the garage. No one was telling them what to do or how to do it; they were just being creative in their own unsupervised way. Wow, you mean kids today still enjoy being outside doing their own thing. Yes, and what a great way to spend their first day of summer holidays.

Ok, this has to be the cutest chicken coop in Canada. Yes, a chicken coop; the best, right here in Bancroft. If you look closely you can see this is a mobile chicken coop, built on a trailer ready for transportation.

Mary loves it. I think it's adorable and the chickens are happy to be living here. (No it isn't ours it belongs to our very talented neighbour Jim who built it from leftover scraps.)

We have some very creative people living in Bancroft. Why not come and meet some of them? 

Thanks for stopping by.

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