This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Wednesday 9 May 2012

Street Art in Bancroft

One undertaking in Bancroft last year was murals for the downtown core. Each mural shows a scene of the street and some history about the person the street was named after. The project involved most of the community, including the schools who selected students to write the brief history on each mural, as well as hundreds of community members who took on the task of painting each square before it became part of the mural. When you look at the pictures it is easy to see each square that was individually painted.

Mary admires one of several murals she contributed to.

We had no idea that Bancroft had its own octagon house until we read one of the murals. Had to get a picture, so here is the octagon house on Alice St. Alice was the first postmistress in Bancroft and held the job for 50 years. WOW! 50 years. I can't imagine working at the same job, same place for 50 years.

Caught this family out for a spring walk with the newest offspring.

Mom wasn't so happy that we were driving by slowly on "her" road. Click on the picture to see the goslings scrambling through the grass for safety.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to come up there and see all the ones you contributed to, they look fantastic.
