This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Thursday 10 May 2012

Mary's Garden

This will be the first year we have put in a vegetable garden. We are looking forward to our own organic grown vegetables and we should have some by the end of June.

We have three beds. One has "dutch sets" (onions), carrots beets, peas and radishes. The other has kale, spinach, swiss chard and a variety of herbs Mary bought at Richter's when she was there last week with Leanne.

The third bed will be at the far end and have beans, tomatoes, squash and cucumbers.

Can you guess what these plants are? ........... garlic. They were planted last fall and are in the same bed as the asparagus. The garlic looks great, the asparagus is only just starting to show itself.

"Dutch sets" just poking through after one week in the soil. We plan to plant a new bed of these every few weeks so we have a continuous supply of green onions throughout the summer.

Our garden looking back at our house with the chicken coop in-between.The chickens arrive June 27th

Unfortunately after a wonderful day in the garden, Mary came back to the trailer totally stuffed up; forgot all about the moulds in the soil. From now on gardening means gloves and a mask.

Chat later.


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