This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Sunday 23 October 2011

Titanium Wrap

White Top Roofing is installing our steel roof next week. Friday they came and put down the titanium wrap and then strapped the roof in preparation for the steel roofing.

Can you see the extra strapping in the valley? They will install "Ice and Snow" shield there before the steel roofing goes down. We should be weather tight once the roof is complete.

Even on the "gable" ends there is extra strapping for the edge moulding to cover the roofing.

Done. Next Friday the steel roofing arrives and hopefully by the time we leave the job will be complete.

We will soon be on the road, heading south to Arizona. We will not be able to update the blog once we cross the border as we need to activate our Verizon card again. I expect we will be without internet access from November to the end of December unless we can find free wifi in coffee shops along the way.

1 comment:

  1. That type of roofing material is very light compared to wooden frames and roofs, and it’s also easier to install than any alternative wooden materials. Moreover, this kind keeps the house and attic cooler because it reflects the sun’s heat. It’s really the best material to use during construction or even house or building renovation.
