This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Wednesday, 22 June 2011


Had a busy day yesterday. Mary and I worked until 7 p.m. setting up our rain water collection system. The forecast is rain for the next 4 days so we should see if our ideas work; more about that in another blog.

Safety, is always on my mind when we are working in the bush or building our house. The other day I noticed this safety set-up. Please excuse the pictures, by the time I got turned around he was just about done.

If you click on the picture you will see a cable running down to the truck with a ball attached to the cable. This ball contains a spring system that will arrest or stop the cable from unrolling further if it is jerked suddenly, such as when someone falls. The driver before climbing up on top of the trailer to adjust the tarp or strap down the load will put on his safety harness and attach it to this cable.

Look closely at the base of the pole. The driver has just finished adjusting the tarp on top of his trailer and is ready to leave the yard.

The safety cable is kept attached to the pole so that the next driver can use it. This is just one of the many safety laws that Canadian workers must obey. Employers are required by law to provide the equipment and to ensure it is used as designed.
I'm sure Rob will know all about this.

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