This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Friday 8 May 2015


I thought my eyes were playing tricks; ducks in trees. I had Mary check and sure enough, ducks in trees.

Yes, they were quite a distance away and wouldn't allow me to get any closer. (click photo for better view)

The best I could do was enlarge a shot which makes them fuzzy but easy to identify. These are wood ducks and they do nest in trees.

As I moved closer they flew further away. I either need a bigger lens or a bird blind. Living here certainly affords lots of wonderful bird shots.

How do web feet grip a tree branch? How do they build a nest? More research needed.

The weather has been summer like this week and the bugs are just starting to appear. The humming birds have returned and are busy at our feeders. I'll try and get some photos but they move so fast and are camera shy.

Thanks for stopping by and safe travels everyone.

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