This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Wednesday 22 June 2022

Back to the hospital


ay we sent Mary to the hospital here in Bancroft. Turns out the rods in her spine have both snapped.

She is now in Toronto waiting to heafrom her surgeon.

Update June 23rd

Mary was told her surgery will be delayed for at least a week. Seems this is a very complex operation and one doctor in the team is off recovering from Covid. They won't let Mary travel so we are searching for options in the city.


The doctor said Mary can stay in the hospital until the surgery. Not sure if Mary has any other options. She needs care when she walks, uses the washroom or takes a shower. Where else can she get that?

Update July 2nd

Mary surgery has been scheduled for Monday July 4th Yea!!!!!

Update July 4th

Mary was in surgery from 8am to 4pm today. All went well and now she is in recovery. Thank you to everyone for your notes of support and wishes for a fast recovery. You are such an encouragement to her. 

Update July 27th

Mary will be moved to Bridgeport rehab hospital tomorrow afternoon. It will be wonderful to be in a quiet, less hectic place. The staff at St Mikes has been wonderful and we so appreciate all they have done to get Mary mobile again. Hopefully another week and then she will be home. One step at a time. 


  1. Hey guy's are you still hangin in there? Haven't heard from you guy's in months and I was just wondering what happened
