This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Sunday 16 May 2021



Our chickens are very happy in their new home Unfortunately we have night  critters who are  always looking for a free lunch

The perimeter fence was breached last night in the one spot where we didn't install hardware cloth

They then  attempted to dig their way into the coop without success. We covered the coop with hardware cloth this spring and that project kept our birds safe.

Kate discovered the hole when she took food down to the chickens this morning.  She is a big help feeding the birds and collecting their eggs.

Time to make another repair and secure the perimeter with more hardware cloth.


  1. I just saw the alternative living youtube video highlighting your home. Your home is amazing! Do you have your own youtube channel or Facebook page? Just want to follow along! :) - Tara

  2. Thanks for the kind words Tara- Sorry we just do this blog

  3. Continuing to enjoy your postings. Hope you survived the frosty nights we have had. Brrr from one extreme to another. The pictures of your birds and Kate are wonderful. The top picture would make a great print, puzzle or calendar page. Don't post often but always enjoy my visits. Last Friday I had a visitor in the morning. A young bear stayed for about 45 minutes. He was quite comfortable hanging out. I bring my small feeders in each night. I do have a large metal one that we leave out. He loved it and wouldn't leave it alone. I tried putting the alarm off on my car and beating pots and pans but he paid no mind. Actually put his nose right up to my face at the door. Hope you have resolved your critter invasion. Keep safe
