This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Tuesday 22 September 2020



The sun is slowing moving into our south room as the days get shorter and the sun stays lower in the sky. Penny enjoys the warmth of the sun and has discovered a comfortable way to take an afternoon nap. I think we need to move her blanket to the window ledge where she can enjoy the views and warmth on cold winter days.

We've been enjoying carrots from our garden lately. Carrots are best left until after the first frost as this makes them sweeter. The carrots on the right were planted early May the ones on the left were planted July 1st. (see blog entry) Both bunches look very similar the ones planted in July look a little larger. Why? Both were planted in the same soil, same location, same watering. I suspect the difference was spacing. The ones on the right were too crowded and thus didn't have the room to expand as expected. Next year all our carrots will be planted on toilet paper to ensure adequate spacing when they sprout.

Our tomato and cucumber plants were hit by a heavy frost last week (-5*C) so those beds have been cleared and are ready for winter. Our cold weather crops are fine, (spinach, kale, carrots, celery, Romain lettuce, beets) and we continue to pick and enjoy them.

Leaves are turning and nights are cooler, fall is definitely here.

Stay well everyone and thanks for keeping an eye on us.

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