This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Wednesday 24 July 2019


Another feature we liked on this tour was the "touch tank" where the little pirates learned about small sea creatures and actually got a chance to hold them. Here Owen holds a "star fish" which has the unique ability to reproduce its limbs as long as part of the center portion is alive.

The marine biologist also passed around a sample of the baleen from a Finback whale and explained how the whale takes in large amounts of water which it then squeezes through the baleen which acts like a sieve and traps any fish or krill for the whale to eat.

After the touch tank was put away each little pirate got a chance to steer the ship. Owen was first and kept us on course and off the rocks as instructed. (the real captain was always within arm's reach)

The ride back to port was cold so Owen and his new friend went  below and enjoyed more crafts in the warmth of the hold.

On deck,  Mary was enjoying another cup of soup.

With the sun setting and our sails full we headed for port having done and learned so much more than simply watching the whales dive. Another memory we will cherish forever.

We all slept soundly that night knowing that tomorrow we would be heading home. Still unknown to us the best surprise awaited.

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