This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Friday, 5 April 2019


Yesterday we stopped by Durl's maple syrup operation for coffee. I never drink coffee but once a year I enjoy Durl's maple flavoured coffee, right from the evaporator pan.

The ladies had time to chat while .......

Roger and I kept an eye on ................

the whole evaporation process. Many folks up here make their own maple syrup, often on an old wood stove much like this.

Durl has a simple but effective system which moves the sap through different stages until it's finally in the turkey pans boiling down to delicious maple syrup.

The "maple coffee" Durl serves comes from the those turkey pans where the sap is the sweetest. When you add Durl's hot sweet maple syrup to coffee it takes that cup to a whole new flavour level of enjoyment.

It was a great way to start our day, sitting with friends enjoying the whole maple syrup experience in small town Ontario.

If you ever get an invitation to watch maple syrup being produced on a wood stove in someones garage be sure to go. You will never find better company or coffee.

Safe travels everyone and thanks for stopping by.

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