This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday 17 June 2017


Every June these large adult turtles crawl up from our pond to lay their eggs in the sandy soil around our house. Yesterday we had four, this morning this one was busy beside my truck.

Not sure where this one wants to go but we do need to be careful where we step.

They make quite a journey every spring to lay their eggs which won't hatch until the fall. Unfortunately many of the eggs become supper for the raccoons.

Maybe that's a good thing as our pond can only support so many turtles and so far 14 have been up here digging holes.

Now if they all survived where would we put them?

Thanks for stopping by and keeping an eye on us.


  1. I didn't realize they were so huge. What kind of a turtle are they? How interesting your life is Art and Mary!! Happy Fathers Day Art!

  2. Silly turtle. Beautiful spot for the big hosta amongst the ferns, it's looking pretty happy.

  3. WOW!14 turtles!Mayby you have to be thankful to the raccoons!
    Everytime we look at your site looks there is something special in your surrounding.
    Sold your airstream? And what now?No more camplife? Greetings from sunny Holland( 30 degrees!), Ad and Gertie
