This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Friday 12 May 2017


Today we made ten homemade pizzas; every one delicious.

The dough is made the night before and then shaped into a pie before going into the oven. For the initial bake it's just the crust and tomato sauce for three minutes.

Once cooled we added the ingredients of our choice then back into the oven for another six minutes. When done you have the perfect size personal pizza which is as good or better tasting than ones from the local pizza shop.

Perfecting the art of pizza making comes from doing and following the recipe exactly. This is the book Mary uses and it hasn't disappointed yet.

Now it's time to deliver supper to our friends.

Thanks for stopping by, sorry we couldn't send you a pie.


  1. These pizzas look yummy!

  2. Hi Lori;
    They are made with flour and tomato paste imported from Italy. You would be amazed at the taste and texture.

  3. Where do you buy those sorts of ingredients?
