This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Sunday 18 December 2016


I find it very easy to stay indoors, enjoy the fire and read a book on these cold winter days up here. I also know it isn't good for me. Too many days of sitting at the computer with the occasional relocation to enjoy Mary's cooking makes me into a grumpy fat bear, and I don't need the grumpy ............... or the fat.

So yesterday I strapped on the snowshoes (so easy to do these days) and tramped out a circuit that takes me 20 minutes to complete. If I do that twice a day I'm exhausted. Hopefully when I go for my cardiac stress test in October I will be jogging this circuit in under 10 minutes, striving for 8. Good to set goals, must remind myself to keep them realistic.

Lots to see and enjoy even in the middle of winter. Here a thistle waits for me to pass and carry some seeds further down the trail.

Our bunkie sits patiently waiting for new guests next summer.

New growth decked out in their winter best keep an eye on me as I pass. Hard to imagine these trees 20 years from now.

My trail meanders along by the pond for a while where the pussy-willows and cat-tails have shut down for the winter ready for the spring and their daily cleaning of the water as it drifts slowly down to the lake.

Eventually home comes into view and I'm ready for a seat by the fire and a cup of hot chocolate.

Enjoy your day and your travels. Winter isn't that bad ....... so far.


  1. I have made a little (I repeat little) trail, around the perimeter of our whole acre, which I am packing down via my snowshoes too :-)

  2. Glad you are out enjoying your own winter wonderland. I prefer those sunny cold days when the sky is blue and the air feels like a cold hand on my lungs. Wonderful to be outside feeling my heart pounding madly as I climb another hill. So good to hear you have your own trail. Enjoy every day.
