This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Monday 6 June 2016


Yesterday was a busy day for the turtles. In total we saw six up by the house looking for the perfect spot to lay their eggs.

Once happy with a location they get busy digging a hole and backing in to lay their eggs. It is fascinating to watch.

It does get a little crowded at times. If you look closely you should be able to see three snapping turtles all digging holes.

This occurs in June every year and happens all over Ontario. If you happen to be driving down any of our county roads this month, slow down and save the turtles.

Thanks for helping.

If you were wondering about our "deer fence" here is a picture taken last Friday. Yes, she is inside the garden. Guess we need to add more rails to our fence. 

Safe travels and thanks for stopping by.


  1. Keep your snow shovel in the car. You may have to move some turtles off the road.

  2. Good idea Lori. I've also heard of people using their car mat; either way we need to help.
