This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday 19 December 2015


Today we have gathered at Sherri and Rob's place to celebrate Christmas together. Unfortunately Owen has come down with a fever so he is spending lots of time in Oma's arms.

Owen's aunt Leanne and Uncle Jamie brought him this bowling set. He seems to be getting better the more he plays.

Spending time sharing and getting caught up.

The guys are busy in the kitchen ...........

and Leanne and Mom are busy decorating the table. Can't wait to eat.


  1. Lots of cosy things to do in Christmastime.Happy family! Owen looks like having much fun with his grandparants! When we see this we miss our own grandchild, Adina!Have a good time and a very healty Newyear!

    1. Thanks Ad and Gertie;

      WE had a great time and Owen was so good with handing out the presents then helping everyone open them.
