This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Thursday 3 September 2015


Leanne was here this week and it was a busy time.

Mary worked with her on a sewing project that took two days to complete. It really should have taken three but they pushed themselves and were exhausted when done.

Leanne brought the fabric with her and then helped layout the pattern and cut the material. Here Mary makes sure everything will line up and look good before she put it together.

Leanne cut the fabric to size and pinned the zippers in place which allowed Mary to focus on the sewing.

It was quite the production scene for a few days but once done everyone was happy.

No pictures of the finished results as Leanne packed and left as soon as the last stitch was complete.

Always something happening here and today will be just as busy as I need to service the skid-steer and get a new battery for it.

Safe travels everyone and thanks for stopping by. 


  1. yes but what were they making with all those zippers?? A suit for an octopus?
    How is Mary's eye?

    1. We made over 2 dozen different sized pillows! And the eye is well on its way to complete recovery.

    2. No octopus to cover. Actually very quiet here today after all the humm and bustle of yesterday. Thanks for asking Olga.

    3. What lovely fabric! The colours of fall. Glad to hear your eye is on the mend!

  2. Thanks Lori;

    Mary is making pillow covers from the material left over. We think they will give the room a fall look.
