This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday 11 April 2015


Our supper hour yesterday was spent viewing a pair of cooper hawks down by the pond.   

(Click on picture to enlarge)

Look closely and you will see one sitting on a tree branch to the right of center. The other one is below and to the left sitting on a stump.

Throughout supper they would take flight and disappear onto the floor of the forest, obviously catching mice or some other small critter that is active as the snow melts and cover disappears.

Same shot just enlarged. I'm about the length of half a football field, sitting in our dining room shooting through a glass window with a 200 mm lens. 

I would prefer to get much closer but these birds are very sensitive to noise and movement and will fly away at the sound of our sliding door opening. 

Earlier in the afternoon a blue heron glided across the pond and settled on the far side adjacent to some open water. We watched as he proceeded to walk into the bush following the open water. Never saw him catch supper.

We feel privileged to live surrounded by nature and able to observe their habitat from the comfort of our home without disturbing their movements. 

Today we boil sap. We have over 215 litres waiting to get boiled down and no room for storing more. I think Monday will be our last day.

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