This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Monday, 30 March 2015


Paul brought over a 3 lb splake he caught yesterday.

Looks like we will be having fish and chips for supper.

More snow last night and I don't want to talk about it.

Enjoy your day, I have the fire going.

1 comment:

  1. Love all your recent news. The backsplash looks wonderful. Interested to hear more about the photographers. The syrup and splake are wonderful. Always love dropping by your blog.....we are currently under construction. All my bathroom stuff including toilet plus all the laundry room stuff are in my kitchen. We have changed the entranceway and installed heated flooring. Hope all is in order for Easter. Talk soon.
