This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Thursday 19 June 2014


Another stop while travelling with Don and Carol was the St. Catharines Museum located along the Welland Canal.

It was a delight to wander through the rooms and see the displays showing the construction of the first canals back in 1824. 

(click on photo to enlarge)

The problem was Niagara Falls and how to get goods and ships up and over it. There was also the need to move military units quickly if Canada was ever invaded again. Back in 1812 we did have military action on our soil when the USA and Britain were at war with each other.

The displays are informative, beautiful and show the challenges faced by the early canal builders and first European settlers to the area.

The museum also houses the Lacrosse Museum of Ontario as well as the Soap Box derby history as it is related to St. Catharines.

Outside we could stand and watch the ships go through the lift bridge and into lock 2.

If you love ships be sure to visit the Welland Canal and the museum located at lock 3. You wont be disappointed.

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