This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Saturday 14 September 2013


This morning I'm up way to early for me. I'm looking forward to the men's breakfast at church followed by a guest speaker who will share his insight on being the husband, father, boyfriend that men should be as Christians. 

We attend a small church here in Bancroft and it is good to see them bring in guest speakers who challenge us to live with compassion and outreach in a hurting world. It is too easy to be critical of what we see, without engaging or being constructive in lives that are hurting. 

My society today is not what I grew up in. Today's social media network didn't exist. Our TV got 4 stations and our music came from one radio station, all other stations were  for the old folks. How different is our world today  and yet I need to be equipped to live productively and in a healthy manner, available to contribute where possible. 

So I'm up way too early, off to cook bacon, serve eggs and coffee and enjoy the fellowship of other men and the guest speaker. I hope the message is as good as the food.

Thanks for stopping by.

Chat later.


  1. Amen to that!! We didn't get lost in the deep south, just been very busy after arriving home from our trip to Georgia/Tennessee in the spring. Hope to make arrangements with you folks, to come for a visit sometime in October?
    Doug & Lori

  2. Hi Doug and Lori;

    Looking forward to getting together.

    Art and Mary
