This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Wednesday 10 July 2013


This morning we were up early, real early, to pickup our meat birds. We ordered them from the co-op in Bird's Creek and July 10th was the delivery date, to be specific 7 a.m. July 10th.

Our birds are 3 weeks old which means we don't have to worry about a heat lamp or it getting too cool for the baby chicks at night.

For the next few days we will keep them in the coop to give them time to adjust to their new surroundings and calm down after the transportation experience.

We understand they spend their day eating so no need to let them out to roam the forest. Too many hungry predators too close to home these days so it's just as well we keep them in the run. We added another latch to the door of the pen as well as two strands of barbed wire to deter any animals that might investigate the possibility of digging their way into the coop. I think we are secure.

In another 4-6 weeks we should be able to BBQ our own farm raised meat birds.

Thanks for stopping by and have a safe day.


  1. Will you butcher them yourself or bring them to someone?

  2. Hi Becca;

    We plan to do our own butchering as we did it before with our layers. We use a cone nailed to a tree and the whole process is very peaceful.

  3. neat! Maybe next summer I'll be ale to come visit and watch the process! It's so nice knowing where food comes from.

  4. Becca;

    You are welcome anytime. If all goes according to plans this year we may do two batches of meat birds next year. I'll let you know.
