This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Monday 27 May 2013


We've enjoyed using our "Big Green Egg" with Carol and Don here the past few days.

Our BBQ sits just off the deck on one the south landing. Although we have to contend with the bugs it is a little further away from the house for safety reasons.

It's easy to regulate the temperature even though it burns charcoal. Simply adjust the dampers to the opening needed to give you the temperature you want. 

Steak, hamburgers ...................

fish, even desserts are done to perfection. One safety consideration that is mentioned in the operating manual is "flash backs". 

Notice the singed hair? If you open the lid too quickly when it is hot, the gas "flashes back" out the opening and over you. Fortunately I got away with just a few singed hair and this happened just a few minutes after I warned my sister about  opening the lid too quickly. Can't be too careful when using a BBQ. 

Be careful friends and safe travels.

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