This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Sunday 10 February 2013


After the storm the sun came out and Saturday was a beautiful day, too nice to stay inside. So cast and all, I bundled up and went to see if I could get the Bobcat working.

I hadn't used the bobcat in several months so wasn't sure what to expect on this cold morning. After a few chugs and gushes of black smoke it finally caught and fired up. I thought the best approach was to let it run for 10 minutes before moving the machine or bucket. This way the fluids would have a chance to warm up and not put so much stress on the valves.

Once we got going I had a great time clearing the drive and parking area. The cab is enclosed and heated so I'm somewhat pampered while working to clear the snow. Everything is run by joysticks so my broken ankle wasn't under any stress or strain while I worked.

You can easily move a ton of snow very quickly with these machines. I think next year I will get chains for the tires for just a little more traction on the slopes of the driveway.

Overall, I'm very happy with the performance and how easily it handled the job. The heat in the cab was an added bonus.

Safe travels and thanks for stopping by.

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