This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Monday 28 January 2013


Just a short note to let everyone know Sherri is fine and the operation is complete.

Here is the e-mail I got from Mary who is in Toronto looking after Owen.

Everything went very well for Sherri. They took out 95% of the tumor. Left 5% that was attached to her facial nerve. They woke her up and Rob is heading down in a few minutes.
So glad we are through this stage.
Talk later.

Once again thanks for all your prayers and notes of support and concern.  You have been such an encouragement to us during this stressful time.

I'll post more when we have any new news.


  1. Glad to read both your good news postings! What a relief! Carol and Don are so helpful. It is wonderful to have them nearby, along with all the rest of your family who have been so very supportive.

  2. Art and Mary... So glad to hear the news, we are thinking of you all. Prayers being sent.

  3. Just got back from seeing Sherri. She is doing great for such a major surgery (8 1/2 hours total).
    She kept apologising for not being better company. Such a trooper!
    A big thank you to everyone for such fantastic support.
    Rob & Owen
