This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Sunday 5 February 2012

Rugs and Other Things

Mary needs a hobby to occupy her day. As for me I could sit and watch the clouds float by and be quite happy.

Our trailer floor  is very cold first thing in the morning so Mary came up with the idea of braiding rugs. Here she is getting started on a rug for the kitchen.

Working outside is wonderful but it does have its distractions.

Checking the pattern to make sure she is following the directions correctly.

No stitching required, just braiding, much like doing hair.

Went down the road to help Marvin get his water tanks lined up properly. Out in the desert we can get water from the BLM office but you either take your trailer over, which is a lot of work, or a jug to hold water. Marvin had a great set-up with large tanks for carrying water without having to haul his trailer over each time.

Marvin uses a pump to transfer the water from tank to trailer; takes about 10 minutes. Fast, easy and slick.

Now they are set up for boondocking long term. They have solar power, fresh water tanks and waste tanks for hauling away, you know what.

This week we celebrated birthdays and it was wonderful to "skype" the kids and see everyone.

Happy Birthday, Sherri, Rob, Karie, Mary, Casey and Bryan

Another Arizona sunset.

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. I'm making a rag rug too! I got intimidated by the no sew way of braiding, so I'm sewing as I go. One for the living room and one for the bedroom.
