This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Sunday 30 January 2011

Lost in the White North

OK, so it's been a while........... Did you think I got lost in a snowbank? Just busy and without daily internet it makes keeping in touch a little more challenging, so here goes ................................
It has been great to see family and friends once again.We are presently up in Peterborough, staying at Marvin & Annie's place (Thanks for your kindness) and trying to get everything in place so we can start building this summer. Tomorrow we will meet our builder in Bancroft and go over our contract. We are excited! He does great work and we can't wait to get started.
A few pictures from the past week will help explain what has been happening in our lives.
Heading north on highway 28 we were happy to be back "home" even if home is a little cold and white this time of year.
First stop was "Goddard's Flipping Burgers" for a quick lunch and a chance to say hi to Nadia & Mike. Great place to eat if you are in Bancroft. Check it out.

 See all the blue-purple stuff between the studs? That's insulation and it makes any space toasty warm with just the smallest of energy use. We will spray the outside of the walls and above the ceiling with this stuff. It's like a warm winter blanket when the snow is falling outside.
 This is tubing for radiant in-floor heating. We will have close to 2,000 feet of this buried in our slab to keep our feet warm on those cold winter mornings as we crawl out of bed. Can't wait to be living in Bancroft.
 Mary adjusts her snowshoes so we can "walk" our property.
 Everything looks good!
 The beaver creek is still flowing; hope the beavers are happy, warm and well fed.
 Saturday we visited the Kawartha X-Country ski club. If you live near Bancroft and love to ski check it out.
 Sean teaches the "jackrabbits" every Saturday. I was impressed with the talent of these young skiers.

Time to leave you. I'll try and post again in a few days.

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