This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Wednesday 5 April 2017


We have been busy boiling sap and ignoring our blog; just too many jobs. Trudy left for BC last week and once Mary got back from the airport we have been busy collecting sap and boiling 12 hours a day. Usually the ratio of sap to syrup is 40/1 but this year for us it seems closer to 70/1.

We had 60 gallons of sap and we were expecting 6 litres of maple syrup by the time we got it boiled and bottled.

Surprise, only 3.5 litres when we were finished. That's a lot of burning, hauling and watching for a little over 3 litres of syrup. But it is so delicious and our pancakes wouldn't be the same without it so we persevere and cherish every drop we get.

Today it is mild and the pond has lost half its ice. Mallards and Buffleheads have been spotted checking out nesting possibilities while a pair of hawks (still unidentified) have been hunting along the shoreline. Definite signs that spring has returned and the signs of winter are fading fast.

Yesterday our girls (chickens) escaped. Well someone left the gate open so it was more like they went exploring rather than escaping. All six came up by the house, scratching anything green that was showing new growth. I got a rake and Mary their bowl of food and together we herded them back down the hill to their chicken yard where they can scratch and play in safety.

Time to get outside and remove our taps and cleanup the lines.  All the maple jugs need to be washed and stored ready for next year.

Enjoy the day and thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Just getting caught up on all your news. As usual I am exhausted just picturing ALL the work you both do. I am sure you are anxious for spring to arrive in all its glory. We arrived home on Sunday and it seems it will take longer than usual to unpack and unwind. Had a great time south BUT home is the best. We still have a fair bit of snow and there is lots of ice on the lake. It is a rainy day today so hopefully you are taking a well deserved rest.
