Fall is quickly disappearing and we expect snow within the next few weeks,
This is the time of year we start thinking about garden changes we need to make.
Yesterdy we focused on the west side of the house. Years ago we built "Hugel" hills that you see covered in black tarps in the above picture. These beds make excellent gardens for squash, and pumpkins.
We also added a new potato bed as we've been using the same location to grow potatoes for the past four years They recommend growing the potatoes in different locations to avoid potato bugs which we haven't seen yet. So next year we will plant our potatoes in the black soil you see beside our "Hugel" hills. The west side garden will beome much more productive.
More trees were marked for cutting this winter. If we plan to use the west side we need to give the area more sun.
We also want to add two more raised garden beds up near the house before winter sets in. We will be busy.
Penny likes to help and although she can't cut wood she does like to chew on it.
If we could just get her to swing a hammer the work would go so much faster.
Thanks for stopping by and keeping an eye on us. Time to get back to work.