This blog is about our travels in our solar powered "Airstream" and living off grid, in our passive solar home, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

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Thursday, 31 May 2018


Yesterday we had a lovely evening with Leanne then headed south on Highway 99 this morning. It is called the Sea to Sky road, and is considered one of the most scenic drives in British Columbia. It hugs the coast and climbs north from Vancouver into the coastal mountains at Whistler. Our day was a leisurely drive and we took advantage of several waterfall hikes along the way.

Brandywine Falls was my favourite with the rainbow clearly showing at its base.

Another shot from a little further down the valley.

Discovered this hidden gem of a campsite right on the river and plan to stop there on the way home; maybe spend a few days just enjoying the view and location....... at $12.00 who could refuse?

We are now in Vancouver admiring the gardens and enjoying time with Jim, Andrea and family.

Nice to have a few days of no travel.

Thanks for stopping by and keeping an eye on us.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018


This morning finds us camped by the Fraser River in British Columbia.

Yesterday we left the Rockies and headed for the coastal route to Vancouver.

Each of our children called to see how we were doing which made the day extra special. Mary's brother Jim also called just to see when we expected to arrive on Wednesday. It was just great to hear from everyone.

Looking at the picture above you wouldn't know we are in semi-desert conditions.

Down in the valley the only crops that grow are those that are heavily irrigated. They use huge sprinklers that cover acres as they move across the land. Looked to me like hay was the major crop for cattle raised on this scrub ground.

The Fraser River is running high and full of silt. The first campground we stopped at was closed due to flooding.

Today we will reach Whistler have breakfast with Leanne tomorrow then on to Vancouver for a visit with Jim and Andrea as well as a stop at the National quilt show.

Thanks for stopping by and keeping an eye on us.

Monday, 28 May 2018


Yesterday we drove from Cranmore to Revelstroke;  a beautiful drive through the mountains.

They've upgraded and improved the road design since we were last here which makes for less stress coming down the long grades. No issue with brakes overheating as we drove through Kicking Horse pass.

We stopped in Lake Louise for brunch, always delicious. Unfortunately we couldn't get close to the lake. Due to it's popularity you now must take a shuttle bus from the overflow parking lot 5 km from town.

Once in Revelstoke we did a laundry (seen drying at the back) using our famous plunger and bucket contraption.

Now it's time for breakfast and then on to Whistler to find a place for the night.

Thanks for stopping by and save travels everyone.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018


We are now in Regina, heading up to Diefenbaker Lake for a look see. All is good and the weather has felt like July; 31*C yesterday, 24 so far today.

Stayed the night in Broadview, Saskatchewan at this small campground run by the local Lion's Club. Very clean and hot showers.

Finished supper just before the rain started.

Camping in Rosetown, Saskatchewan tonight.

Looks like more rain tonight. Very few farm house left in Saskatchewan. Most farms are huge and the people live in the closest town. Everyone is busy planting at the moment, machine are working night and day.

Expect to be in Calgary by Saturday.

Safe travels everyone.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018


We are now in Brandon Manitoba. Left Ontario on Monday and expect to be in Saskatchewan this afternoon. All is good, truck and trailer performing better than expected.

Last night we camped in a park next to the fairgrounds, level sites, hot water, electricity, and no other campers. Need to book on line as there was no kiosk to pay for your site.

Yes, that's me doing the laundry, shocking!! I bought this plunger contraption and it works perfectly.Seems it isn't a new invention as my friend Durl told me his mom used a similar device to do the wash when he was a kid. I did break the handle, too vigorous with the plunging so must get a new one today.

Safe travels everyone and thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, 17 May 2018


Departure day has finally arrived. We've had a few delays and unexpected surprises but today we start our journey west. Our destination today is Algonquin Park, just an easy two hour drive from here. This will allow us to see how the trailer is holding together and how it handles fully loaded.

Sean's items are carefully stored where we could find space, yes that's his bike in our living-room.

Posting updates will be a challenge once we are on the road. We don't have wifi so will be relying on any free spots we can find.

If we don't post for a while don't worry we are fine.

Thanks for keeping an eye on us. Safe travels everyone.

Monday, 14 May 2018


We worked all day and are very happy with our efforts. Mary's quilting skills have been a big asset with this project. She created the finishing touches which personalize our trailer and make it feel very cozy.

Mary made the pillows and covered the mattress for Owen and Kate. Looks like lots of ammunition for a pillow fight this summer.

Doors and an arborite counter are still needed but we will get those once we return from the west coast.

Looks like departure day is getting closer.

Thanks for keeping an eye on us.

Friday, 11 May 2018


Progress has been slower than anticipated but that isn't unusual when it's custom work. This morning it is -2*C so I will wait until it is a little warmer to get started.

Changed my mind; got out Mr Heater. Took me a while to remember where to install the battery so I could get it started but once ignited the place soon warmed up.

I'm using poplar wood which I get at the local mill for my trim.

Yesterday Mary cut and covered the foam for Kate's bed. It's in the nose of the trailer so that explains the angle cut necessary to fit the trailer properly.

Today I plan to finish the cabinet in the left corner, add trim (which I have to make) and add the shelves to the cabinet in the right. It will be a busy day.

Thanks for keeping an eye on us.

Stay safe

Wednesday, 9 May 2018


Today we actually started painting. Mary worked under the awning while I cut wood and assembled a storage cabinet up on the deck.

Nothing is completely done but we need to get the painting started when the sun is shining and the weather warm.

Perfect drying day and everything got two coats.

Next step will be deciding what type of doors to use. These recycled doors don't quite fit but maybe some modifications would make them usable; we shall see.

Break's over, time to get back to work.

Safe travels everyone.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018


Started early this morning just after the sun came up. Later today I'll move under the canopy and be glad for the shade. Another week and we want to be on the road. Time is moving faster than me, but at my age that's not surprising.

Stay safe everyone and thanks for stopping by.

Monday, 7 May 2018


No better way to spend a sunny day than with the grandkids. Kate and Owen love to head to the park and climb and slide until they are exhausted; well maybe until the grandparents are exhausted.

Kate has no fear and doesn't understand the word "DANGER" She flies down the slide without trying to brake herself, relying on Oma to stop her safely.

Check out those eyes, she keeps an eye on everyone.

So does Owen.

Tried to get a group portrait but miss Kate wasn't in the mood.

Back home it was time for some bubbles (much more fun than getting your picture taken)

We stayed and extra day but we're glad we did; had a chance to see Leanne and Jamie.

This morning we will take Owen to school then head home. Must get back to work on the trailer.

Safe travels everyone and thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, 6 May 2018


It felt like July yesterday as I worked on building cabinets for the trailer. 

Kate and Owen had to try them on for size along with ....

Owen's bed.

It wasn't all work, Owen found a little time for street hockey,

while Kate cheered from the curb.

Progress is slow on a hot summer day.

Today we head home and will finish the cabinets there. I'll post pictures later in the week.