This morning finds us camped by the Fraser River in British Columbia.
Yesterday we left the Rockies and headed for the coastal route to Vancouver.
Each of our children called to see how we were doing which made the day extra special. Mary's brother Jim also called just to see when we expected to arrive on Wednesday. It was just great to hear from everyone.
Looking at the picture above you wouldn't know we are in semi-desert conditions.
Down in the valley the only crops that grow are those that are heavily irrigated. They use huge sprinklers that cover acres as they move across the land. Looked to me like hay was the major crop for cattle raised on this scrub ground.
The Fraser River is running high and full of silt. The first campground we stopped at was closed due to flooding.
Today we will reach Whistler have breakfast with Leanne tomorrow then on to Vancouver for a visit with Jim and Andrea as well as a stop at the National quilt show.
Thanks for stopping by and keeping an eye on us.